Pullman Park Adventures.

Since Brit and I don’t have class Monday, Wednesday, Friday…. we were torn with what we should do today. Then we decided to take all of our old bread and vegetables to the park and feed some of the random animals that are around. First we started looking at the sheep and llamas.

The beautiful Sunnyside park.

Here they come! They saw us and our bag of food from a mile away!

Keysha watching them run over. Cutie.

Brittany feeding the llamas and sheep!

Then we headed to the pond to feed the ducks!

Then we hiked up to a little cemetery.

And now we’re sitting in our kitchen… at the same table. IM-ing each other on Facebook on a Friday night. We’re COOL. Jealous??

Moving back.

With the upcoming school year looming in the near future, I can’t help but feel a weird mixture of excited and sad. This is my last year of undergrad. And I can’t tell you for sure what I’ll be doing next year. Not having a plan is a foreign concept to me… up to this point in my life- I’ve always known what was next. But at this point, I just can’t predict what’s going to happen. Of course, I’m applying to some grad schools- but the idea of taking a year off is becoming more and more tempting. Especially with this senioritis I’ve seem to have caught. But I decided for this post that I wanted to make a list (because I love lists) of the things I love about going back to school and things I’m sad about when going back to school (6 hours away).

The Loves:

1. Buying school supplies. I love. love. love. LOVE school supplies. I’m not kidding. A fresh spiral notebook can make my entire day. Not to mention- organizing everything. I live for organizing.

2. Taking naps, and having free time. When I’m at school, I don’t have a job (although I probably should) so this leaves a lot of free time for “activities”, such as needed sleep, and homework time.

3. Friends! Majority of my friends are from WSU, which makes sense, since that’s where I spend 9 months out of the year. But since they go to WSU- most of them do not live near me when I’m home in the summer. So it’s always nice to go back and see everyone, and definitely catch up.

4. Going to class. Believe it or not- I actually enjoy attending class. I love my major, I love my professors, I love the people in my major, it’s like a little speech and hearing sciences family.

Things I’m not too fond of while being at school:

1. Being away from my family (mom, dad, sister/b-i-l, nephew, boyfriend, etc.)

2. Stress. I tend to over stress over the small things (and major things). And my blood pressure and likelihood of getting an ulcer are much higher while attending school.

3. The weather. Pullman’s weather is a freak show. I’ve literally experienced all four seasons in the span of 1 day and 6 miles. Plus, trekking to school in snow up to your knees isn’t exactly a cake walk.

4. Exams. I hate exams. But do you know what I hate more? Essays. Bleh.

So now my question to you is, what do you hate and love about school?

Heading back to school tomorrow!!


(photos of the road to Pullmonster.)

I am very excited to see my Courtney again, as well as all of my other friends!

(And maybe even a little excited to be in class again, but don’t tell anyone.)

But most of all, I’m excited to become more “regular” in posting blogs. I promise! I promise! I promise!

So I’ll see you guys all on the flip side! Time for sleep!

A trip across Washington.

For those of you who don’t know, my school WSU is practically in Idaho.

Therefore, when I come home for a weekend trip, as I did this weekend, it takes 6 hours of driving across the state to get home to the left coast. 🙂

I decided to document the trip this time.

Road home 003

The beginning of the trip.

Road home 007

Lots of nothing… and straight roads.

Road home 008

Of course… there’s lots of grain silos… yay?

Road home 009

Lots of school spirit… yay?

Road home 014

Finally to the Gorge area! This means trees are right around the corner!

Road home 016

Of course I had to take some time to be artsy, and show off Lil’ Red… Roomie’s ride.

Road home 020

Of course had to take time to make some friends.

Road home 022

Of course got stuck in construction.

Road home 031

And we’re to the west side!

Found my job…

Not really (sad)… I just was browsing through craigslist under “part time” and found this:

“I am looking for Sci Fi / Fantasy Artwork of an adult nature to start a website with. I am looking for material specifically dealing with erotic alien abductions. This material will be given top priority over other material. If it was in a comic book style format that would be even better. I need it to be a computerized format. Fetish material encouraged. I am also interested in anything having to do with microphilia. (small people) Mad Scientist stuff too.

I am interested in artists who I can work with as far as pay goes. I have some means, but by no means am rich. I would like to pay something up front for the use of it to get it on the web and then royalties from the sales of it later, if possible.

It would be a good arrangement for those of you who have this kind of stuff lying around NOT making any money with it”

This is in the Moscow/Pullman location. I got a laugh out of it and flagged it for best of craigslist.

Funny stuff.

This is how I feel:


image via ffffound.

No one can say I haven’t been trying to find a job… I’ve applied to what seems like at least three jobs a day these past few days. Tonight I decided to pull up the google and search everywhere collectively in Moscow and Pullman. I then made a list of numbers and called each one for about 3 hours asking if they were hiring. Survey says? ONE place. And the person wasn’t even for sure… she just “thought” they might be. As a result, I am turning in two resumes tomorrow, one to a coffee stand in Moscow, and one to a little shop in Pullman.

Then I remembered about the co-op in Moscow. I left a voicemail on the HR manager’s voicemail and she actually called me back! She left me a message saying they were hiring and that I should fill out an application online and submit it and blah blah blah, I hope I get this one! Although I’m not sure if I’m artsy and earthy enough for them.

So once again people, cross your fingers for me!

When Boyfriend visited.

We took some photos with the 3d Kalimar again (kalimar). It turned out really cool!

Check em:

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Driving down a road in the palouse.

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I love how this one looks black and white, aside from the hills.


Of course, the infamous Hanson Ave.

And lastly:

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I love the light in the bottom of this one.

I hope you all are having a fantastic week! I have some exciting news to share with you all soon. 🙂

The Fan.

Tonight roomy stepped outside for a brief moment and when she came back in she was laughing. She then asked if I knew there was a fan on our porch.

I didn’t.

It’s kind of funny because we don’t share a porch.

And our porch is kind of excluded from the rest of the apartments… you have to go up some stairs and everything.

So someone dropped off this fan, and had to actually put effort into putting in on our porch.

Here’s a photo:

WSU Junior Year 006


And here’s a random photo I found of me and roomy from this past weekend in Spokane:

WSU Junior Year 001

We’re like the best car dancers… ever.

On a different note, today roomy and I went to a costume store and saw these heels:

high heels

I’m pretty sure those are IMPOSSIBLE to walk in. Let alone wear…

Moved in!

I’m all moved into my apartment!

Ok… with the exception of some clothing I need to unpack. 🙂

It feels good though, except for the whole, there’s no one in pullman yet thing. It’s quite boring. And there is no internet to bum in my apartment. I was very disappointed. Right now I’m typing from the CUB. Bumming off WSU, I guess it’s the least they can do, being that I pay them a boat load to attend. 🙂

Anyway… I’ll be posting pictures up of the apartment later in the week hopefully. I plan on heading to my friend Brittany’s for some internet time as well.

I sadly won’t have internet or cable until August 31st, anywhere from 8-12. Boo!

Tomorrow I have a job interview, so wish me luck!

Other than that… nothing is new.

I miss my boyfriend… my sister… my parents… my cats.

Hope all is well!