“Summer Break”

These next two weeks I’m officially on “summer break” from grad school! It is going to be heavenly! 🙂 I will not check my email every five minutes, I will not be constantly working on a project or reading a text book, instead I will be reading 50 Shades of Gray and will be lounging around the house. To kick off my break we headed to the Bend area to visit Tristan’s dad and some of his friends. I meant to take my camera… but surprise surprise- I forgot. Instead I took a few shots and of course instagrammed them. So here they are!

What did you do this weekend?

Wedding Invites: Wax Seal

Long, long ago while shopping in downtown Olympia I came across some wax seals and thought it would be super fun to buy them and give them to Tristan so he could write me a love letter and seal it with a heart… well now a few years later we still hadn’t used it. So we decided to use it for our wedding invites! It was super fun! Check out the process:

Look at him smile while he works… cutie! 🙂

Wedding Shoes.

These are the shoes I will be wed in come September! I love them! I was obsessed with jellies when I was little, and these are so reminiscent of that I just couldn’t pass them up! Only 2 months to go!

What do you think??

Kathryn Spa-day.

Sorry for the delay in posts guys… (guys meaning the two of you who still read this blog). As some of you know, last week I started graduate school and things have been real people!! It’s been super fun- but I definitely have been so crazy busy. My goal for this blog while I’m in school is to post at least once a week. MAYBE twice… ugh, I know!

Anyway, recently I turned 23! Woo hoo! Can you believe? This lady is getting old… I can see the wrinkles already! Anyway… I have an obsession with bags… and my dear sweet boyfriend indulges this obsession on various occasions. Anyone remember Mr. Vuitton? Or my Chanei? Side note… I realize that I take pictures a lot on my bed spread… honestly guys… it’s the best light in the house. Don’t hate me! Anyway, for my birthday I received a Kate Spade New Bond Street Florence bag in the color Coral! I am so excited guys! I seriously can’t contain myself. Lets take a look shall we??

 There she is.. in all her glory. Tristan calls her Kathryn Spa-day- hence the title.

This bag is a conversation starter! Everyday I’ve worn it I’ve seriously have had at least one person comment on it… “Love your bag, girl!”

The inside is BEAUTIFUL!

Now I thought I would include a little, “what’s in my bag” action. Since I’ve been in school, I haven’t been able to carry this bag as much. I take a backpack to school and just swap my wallet from purse to backpack when I need it. Basically, I use this bag on weekends right now as well as when we hit up the grocery store after work. SO- because of that… it’s not very full. But check it out anyway dudes!

From left to right:

1. DKNY wallet (I also just got her for my birthday and love her already!)

2. 5 gum in swerve.

3. Loreal’s The Balm in 318 Heavenly Berry- not to toot my own horn, but this color was made for me!

4. My favorite pen.

5. iPhone 4.

So there you have it! That’s what’s in my bag!

Grillin’ like a villain.

One of my favorite ways to cook in the summer is to grill… I mean who doesn’t love grilled food?? Tristan and I spent Mother’s day with my mom in Washington and then drove home to Portland and spent the evening with his mom. We decided to have a little BBQ and grilled one of my all time favorites… kabobs!

Mmmm peppers…

Check out those masterpieces! We even pounded the sirloin with a mallet before cutting it up!

Yummy right??

Ally agrees…

(Yes, she’s laying on our table… she has no manners.)

What do you like to put on your kabobs? Do you marinate them in something special?

Let me know!

Chanel or Chanei?

The boyfriend recently went to China for a business trip. He had so much fun and brought me home my very own Chanel… or Chanei. 😉 I’m sure to the actual Chanel owner- this bag looks completely fake and like a total knock off. But for a under educated Chanel handbag gal like myself, it looks pretty dang good! It’s even made out of real leather.

“Made in France”… more like China!

The best part was that it came with this card that ensures the buyer it’s authentic.

Anyways thought I would share my new favorite bag… although it will never replace my Louis!

Sunday Sliders

For Sunday dinner, Tristan and I decided to make some sliders I had pinned on pinterest. They were so yummy! Definitely not the healthiest! But SO good!

After dinner we decided to go on a short walk to get coffee… which turned into a 2 hour walk of looking at houses and daydreaming about purchasing one.

Then Tristan indulged me and took a silly picture:

Is it just me, or is The Human Bean the worst possible name for a coffee shop?

What did you do on your Sunday?

The post in which I become sappy.

I cannot even been to tell you how much of a roller coaster this past week has been for me. Stress has taken me over and I’ve become one big ball of emotions. I feel so thankful that I have this man in my life.


All I can say is, I am so excited to marry him in September. I have never loved anyone more.