Weird Al.

This past weekend, Boyfriend and I headed down to the Bend area to hit up a fair/Weird Al show. It was super fun! Then afterward we ended up sitting in traffic for 1.5 hours… not even kidding. We weren’t even out of the parking lot. However, I did end up getting some photos from the day:

My view on the drive.

This is Tristan’s awkward “why-are-you-taking-a-photo-of-me-driving” photo.

Then we arrived at the fair.

And finally…

A picture of the Boyfriend and I… Unfortunately… BF hates this photo (sorry deary!) but I like it. 🙂 He was trying to over smile and his face is silly and cute!

So that’s it… I know, I know… I’ve been a horrible photo-taker-blogger as of lately. But dude, I promise tons o’ photos from California next week! Definitely stay tuned!

Klamath Falls.

This weekend I headed down to Klamath Falls, Oregon to visit le BF.  We had so much fun just walking around, enjoying the sunshine and the few crazies we met on the streets.

In the car, the lighting was crazy! I had to tone the brightness down…

Kind of random… haha but more importantly- how was your weekend? What did you do?

What’s new?

Not much!

So here’s an old photo, since I have nothing to talk about. 🙂

Boyfriend took this photo of me with my love, Holga on during a hike through the Ochocos. Ooooh memories… 🙂

Valentines Day Goodies!

I’ve never been the biggest fan of Valentines day… I”m not really sure why, maybe because it feels like unnecessary stress to find the perfect gift for your loved one??

Either way… these are the cutest gift ideas via Fred Flare, who is also offering FREE SHIPPING! So what are you waiting for??

Secret Love Letters Invisible Ink Writing Set- $10

I love this idea! A pen for each person to write secret love letters… and to reveal the letter? Each pen cap comes with a black light to uncover the hidden messages! How adorable right?? I remember doing something similar to this with my Grandpa when I was younger, but it involved lemon juice, and of course burning the edges to make the letter look old. (Although I might be remembering this completely wrong… I was really little. Help me out Sister, did this really happen?? Haha.)

Polaroid Notes- $14.95

You all know I have a love for Polaroids, and I think this is such a cute idea. All of these note cards come with dreamy Polaroid images. I’m sure you could find one to suit each one of your Valentines! Here are some of the example images:


Fondue for Two- $24.00

This is adorable… and how romantic is fondue?? Very!

Anyway you decide to go with Valentines gifts or plans just make sure to have a good time, and let the one you love know just how much you love them!

Also, stay tuned I’m going to post one of my favorite treat recipes this weekend for peanut butter balls.

This is a great choice for all you girls to make your man!

Hope you all had a good week!